On Tuesday, Greenpeace released its ratings of the environmental friendliness of electronics companies with Nintendo and Microsoft at the bottom of the list. Sony has stayed in Greenpeace's good graces, scoring a 7.7 out of a possible 10.
Nintendo got a 0/10. It seems Microsoft didn't do much better because their promise to eliminate toxic chemicals by 2010 is not good enough in Greenpeace's eyes.
Since Greenpeace launched its scorecard in August 2006, some companies have complained of unfairness, but few have ignored the ranking.What a great example of an effective social movement. People openly dislike you and call you hippies, yet they still listen to what you say and change their policies accordingly. That's awesome. I won't be the first to admit I would love to have that kind of world-changing power.
--Yahoo News article
It's strange that even the electronics industry is worried about Greenpeace reports. When I go out to buy my latest investment in consumer electronics, I don't think, oh, no, I can't buy from them, their company isn't green enough? Or will this be the case someday? Being green is becoming frighteningly trendy. Not that it's a bad thing--we really need to stop hurting the earth. I just think mass social movements like this unnerve me and reasonably so. I mean, you know you have a force to be reckoned with when they have large corporations bowing to its commands and concerns.
Kinda funny. Kinda odd. Kinda ironic.
edit: I originally found this article on G4's The Feed, but this is a great, semi-trashy pasttime if you have 5 minutes to spare... go to the G4 article here, read the reader comments and watch the flame wars explode. It's a great reminder that the Internet is: a) full of fanboys/girls, b) full of snarky people and c) full of stupid people who love to run their mouths. Enjoy.
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