Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Post-Christmas Post

Weeks ago at the beginning of December, I handed my mom my official Christmas wish list. At the top of it--a Playstation Portable 2000 Core Set, valued at $169, with Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.

She laughed and scoffed, "I'm not getting you that."

I frowned. This wasn't the "I'm bluffing so I can really surprise you on Christmas" act; this was the full-blown "I hate your videogames, I'm really not getting you this, tough luck" cold shoulder.

It's not easy being a female gamer at Christmas time. Even when you ask your family for Super Mario Galaxy, they just shake their heads and buy you some boots. Don't get me wrong--boots and clothing are excellent gifts for me, but having the occasional $50, AAA title thrown into the mix would be awesome. However I will give my family bonus points this year. My mom and grandma made a well-intentioned attempt to buy the Final Fantasy Tactics game I asked for. But, one minor thing, they didn't include the PSP to play it on. D'oh.

Christmas is an important time to gamers everywhere. Holiday releases, the games of the year being named, and a time to get a whole new set of great games as gifts. Gaming is not a cheap habit, so at holiday times gamers appreciate a little help in expanding their libraries. Yes, even the girl gamers. You don't have to buy them the latest, most expensive system, but a game (preferably one for a system they have) is always appreciated.

I felt especially overlooked as a gamer today when I went shopping at Gamestop with my boyfriend. I was waiting in line while he was off playing a demo. I waited for a solid minute and when I stepped up to the cash register he came over to join me. The cashier then turned to him and asked, "Can I help you?"

The next seconds where wrapped in an awkward silence where the cashier recognized his mistake and that I, a girl, was buying something. He quickly repeated he was sorry about three times and the situation was dismissed with a few "no big deal/it's fine" from me.

The cashier's mistake didn't make me mad. I don't want to bitch about how discriminated against I feel as a female gamer because that's not the case at all. Gals are becoming more recognized as gamers, but there still are the few who forget (or in the case of the family, refuse to accept) there are geeky girls out there. I'm just a little upset that any credential I have as a gamer is often discredited simply because I have my lovely lady lumps.

So just remember to give any of the girl gamers in your life lots of love. (And a little respect of gaming knowledge and prowess wouldn't hurt either)

P.S. Special thanks to my boyfriend for the PSP Core Set. I love it and can't wait to play Final Fantasy Tactics :D

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